
The following information regarding transcripts was provided by our Registrar, Ms. Lori

Hello - My name is Ms. Tucker and I am the Registrar at Brazoswood HS. I take care of your transcripts, credits, GPA and rank. I am currently located in room 1101F, across from the nurse’s office on the main campus. 

The #1 question I get asked is: What is the difference between an official transcript and unofficial transcript? Both types of transcripts will show all the credits and semester grades you have earned. It will show current GPA and rank if applicable. 

An unofficial transcript is mainly used for a student’s personal use and can assist a student with questions that appear on college applications. Also, some scholarships only require an unofficial transcript.  

An official transcript is an official school record. It contains all your

credits/courses/semester grades and my signature as well as a raised school seal. In paper form it is secured in a sealed envelope with an additional seal on the outside of the envelope. Official transcripts are for college applications and can even be used as a form of identification in some instances.

If you are a current BWHS student or a recent graduate (one year ago) you may use the links below to order a transcript if needed:

Transcript Request Form

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