Credit By Exam

Since 1995, the Texas Education Code has allowed districts to use Credit by Exam (CBE) assessment for acceleration or credit for primary and secondary students.  

BISD has joined with the University of Texas in Austin to provide a consistent and quality program for  acceleration as well as alternate means to earn credit. All examinations are vigorously field-tested, externally validated, and audited to ensure that assessments thoroughly test the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in the applicable grade level or subject area and that all exams are compliant with state statute regarding the development, validation, and auditing of credit-by-examination tests.

Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction (6-12) 

Students in grades 6-12 may earn credit by exam if they received prior instruction in a subject area, but  did not receive credit for other reasons, such as a failing grade or excessive absences. To receive credit, these students must score a 70 % or higher on a CBE assessment from the University of Texas for that  content and grade level area exam.  

Credit without Prior Instruction (6-12)  

For grades 6-12, students may receive credit based solely on their score on the CBE exam. A school  district must give students who score 80% or higher on the board-approved exam credit for the  assessment subject area. Students can also receive credit without prior instruction by scoring a three on  an advanced placement (AP) exam or a scaled score of 50 or higher on exams administered through the  College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). Tex. Educ. Code ยง 28.023(c), (c-1), (h). 

Credit by Exam Handbook, Testing Dates and Application

Questions? Contact your Academic Counselor.

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