
From among the 175 course offerings, students must earn 26 Carnegie units for graduation. The offerings include a variety of advanced courses in English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Business, Technology and Fine Arts. Additionally, many industrial and vocational offerings are available on campus or at the area vocational schools. Students are offered seven credits per year on a system or seven classes per day.

Advanced Placement Courses:
Students at Brazoswood are offered the following AP courses:

English III AP (language/composition)     French IV AP
English IV AP (literature/composition)

    German IV AP

U.S. Government /Economics AP     Spanish IV AP (Language)
U.S. History AP     Spanish V AP (Literature)
Statistics AP     Biology AP
Calculus AP     Chemistry AP
AP Studio Art (Drawing Portfolio)     Physics AP
AP Studio Art (2D Portfolio)     Environmental Science AP
AP Studio Art (3D Portfolio)  

Graduation Requirements:
Each school year consists of two semesters. One half (.5) credit can be earned in a subject during the semester. Since students attend seven classes a day, if they pass (with a 70 or above) all seven courses, they can earn seven half semester credits per semester. A student should earn seven credits a year. It is possible to earn 28 credits in a four-year period.

The minimum 26 credits for graduation are:

English............................................ 4      Health............................................½
Mathematics...................................  4 Speech...........................................½
Science.......................................... 4 Fine Arts........................................ 1
Social Studies.................................. 4 Electives........................................  7
Phys Ed.......................................... 1

Class Rank:
All courses taken for credit are averaged. When a student graduates, each student will have a class rank based on a comparison with his/her classmates. Honor graduates are divided into three categories:

Cum Laude 94.0 - 95.9 (or among the top 10%)
Magna Cum Laude 96.0 - 97.9
Summa Cum Laude 98.0 - 100+

Weighted Grades:
Beginning with the 1984-85 school year, the local board of education adopted a system of weighted grades to encourage students to take more difficult subjects. Only the semester grades are weighted, and this procedure applies only to students graduating in 1988 or later.

Since the Texas Board of Education has ruled that grades in excess of 100 cannot be reported, our school district has adopted the following procedures: grades earned in accelerated, honors, and AP classes will be reported to parents and students without the factor added. However, separate records, which reflect the factored grades, will be maintained by the registrar for class rank and grade point average.

Classes are weighted as follows:

Pre-Advanced Placement 1.05
Advanced Placement 1.10

Extracurricular Activities:
Extracurricular activities include a wide range of subject and interest-related clubs, as well as choir, band, orchestra, drama, drill team, cheerleaders, speech and debate, newspaper and yearbook, student government, art, etc. Interscholastic competitions are offered in academic areas (Scholastic Bowl, debate, etc.) as well as in sports (baseball, basketball, cross country, diving, football, golf, power lifting, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling). More than eighty percent of our students participate in one or more extracurricular activity. Daily tutorial time provides opportunities for students to seek help from teachers, study, or attend club meetings. Clubs or activities are added upon a student request and faculty sponsorship.


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