Traffic Information Fall Semester

Traffic Information-Fall Semester
Posted on 08/29/2022
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THANK YOU to everyone as we move through the first weeks of school. There is still much construction going on which will impact our traffic patterns and entrances. 

Please pull all the way up in the car rider lines so we can load and unload more students at a time, to expedite the process. 

You can drop off any grade from either drop off from Dixie Road to the backroad of Brazoswood or from Brazoswood Drive.

We appreciate your time and patience as we work through this process together. 

Traffic Map
9th grade PARENTS dropping off students should enter from Dixie Drive and drop at the 9th cafeteria - if arriving after 7:40, you must enter from Brazoswood drive at the Wilson Field entrance and drop at the front of the 9th grade (the cafeteria doors will be locked and the back gate locked)

10-12 grade PARENTS dropping off students should enter from Brazoswood Drive closest to Wilson Field and drop off in front of gym 

THE CENTER DRIVE IS NO LONGER AN ENTRANCE - This was creating dangerous situations with students walking to/from vehicles through the cross traffic, merging traffic, and creating a backup on Brazoswood drive for parents trying to get to the parent drive entrance and exit

tudents with parking spaces should enter from Brazoswood Drive in entrance closest to the school - then park and enter the building from the student entry 

Busses will drop off in the lot by the Field house and students will enter through the Main Campus Cafeteria - this is a faculty parking only lot

The gate by CTE to the back road will be closed each morning and afternoon

o sign out a student or enter the campus, visitors must park in the visitor parking lot in front of the 9th grade/CTE area. Entry for that is the entrance by Wilson Field. That is the only entry area for visitors currently due to the construction. 

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