BWood Earned Awards at Winter Guard Competition

Both High Schools Earned Awards at Houston Area Winter Guard Competition
Posted on 02/26/2020
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Both BISD High School’s trophy cases have more awards after the Clear Creek High School Winter Guard Competition this past weekend. Each high school competed in their respective classifications against other winter guard teams from the greater Houston area. Brazosport High School’s winter guard placed 1st in the Novice Class, Brazoswood JV placed 3rd in the Scholastic Regional A Class, and Brazoswood Varsity placed 2nd in the Scholastic A Class. 

Congratulations to all members who worked hard and competed at such an excellent level. Also congratulations to Theo Harrison, Brazoswood and Damon Whitley, Brazosport who work to inspire these talented students.

BPort Winners

Brazosport High

BWood Winners

Brazoswood High

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