Revelers Continue Winning Ways
The Revelers went to Columbia this Saturday for a Drama Tournament. They competed against 15 other schools. Please congratulate the following as they did very well:
RECORD MIME (lip-syncing & dancing to a song)
1st Place - "Hard to Be the Bard" : Maddie Pugh, Abbi Patterson, Maddie Schwentner, Natalie Parrish, & Morgan Parrish
2nd Place - "Wannabes!!" : Cole Hillier, Ruben Velez, Gaven RIngo, Charlee Ayers, & Kyle Pugh
3rd Place - "Probably Funny" : Maddie Pugh, Katie Fiedler, Cole Hillier & Gaven Ringo
7th Place - "Reprovs!" : Kyle Pugh, Maddie Schewnenter, Natalie Parrish, & Charlee Ayers
5th - Maddie Pugh
2nd Place - Kyle Hickman
4th Place - Maddie Schwentner
2nd Place - Maddie Pugh
4th Place - Katie Fiedler
At Houston Lamar High School, the group competed against 27 schools.
Prose (beating out 50 others)
5th Place - Madeline Pugh
Poetry (beating out 56 others and only her 2nd tournament)
6th place - Maddie Schwentner
Duets - (beating out 18 other teams)
5th place - Madeline Pugh and Maddie Schwentner
4th Place - Natalie Parrish and Kaitlyn Ennis (1st tournament)