Brazosport ISD seeks to empower students to take personal responsibility for eliminating bullying, including cyberbullying, within our schools and community. It is important for students to report bullying and cyberbullying when they observe or experience it as soon as possible, so school officials may take appropriate action. Parents, staff members and community members who learn of bullying or cyberbullying incidents are also asked to report it as soon as possible, in support of a community-wide stance against this type of behavior.
Reports may be made by completing and submitting this form. Reports may also be made by calling the KEEP BISD SAFE Hotline at 979.730.SAFE (7233) or by directly contacting a campus administrator. Eliminating bullying behavior is everyone's responsibility, and your involvement is appreciated.
Please select your campus below to submit a
Speak Up to Stop Bullying report.
S.F. Austin STEM Academy
A. P. Beutel Elementary
Bess Brannen Elementary
Freeport Elementary
Madge Griffith Elementary
R. O'Hara Lanier Elementary
T.W. Ogg Elementary
Gladys Polk Elementary
O. M. Roberts Elementary
Grady Rasco Middle School
Clute Intermediate School
Freeport Intermediate School
Lake Jackson Intermediate School
Brazos Success Academy
Brazosport High School
Brazoswood High School
Lighthouse Learning Center