Special Services

Providing collaborative services in an environment that embraces all learners to successfully achieve their full potential.

Referral for Special Education Services
Click here for more information about a referral for special education services; or

Contact the Department of Special Services:
Phone: 979-730-7047
Email: [email protected]
Special Education Information Center
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: [email protected]
Live Chat: www.spedtex.org


BISD Special Services

Section 504 Services

A child determined to have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, as defined by law, and who does not otherwise qualify for special education services, may qualify for protections under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Section 504 is a federal law designed to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities.  When an evaluation is required, a committee will be formed to determine if the child is in need of services and supports under Section 504 to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE), as this is defined in federal law.

504 Procedural Rights & District Contact Information
Section 504 Fact Sheet
Artículo 504

Special Education Services

Brazosport Independent School District provides a continuum of special education services and placement options for students with disabilities in order to meet their individual needs, including services such as in-class support, related services, programmatic support, and home instruction and instruction in hospitals and institutions.  

The following are instructional arrangements which might be considered for students with disabilities:

  • Mainstream is an arrangement for providing special education services in the general education setting including in-class support such as Consult, Support Facilitation, or Co-Teach, accommodations and/or modifications.
    • Consultation Services are  indirect services that may involve teaching, consulting with  staff, and/or directly supervising other personnel so that they can carry out appropriate services defined in the IEP.
    • Support Facilitation services are provided by a paraprofessional or special education teacher as defined by the IEP.
    • Co-Teach Services are provided by a special education teacher as defined in the IEP.
  • Speech Therapy is an arrangement for providing speech therapy services.
  • Resource is an arrangement for providing special education instruction and related services in a setting other than the general education classroom.
  • Self-contained, mild/moderate/severe, regular campus is an arrangement for services for 50% or more of the school day.
  • Homebound is an arrangement for providing special education instruction to eligible students who are medically unable to attend.

Related Services

Related Services necessary to enable students to benefit from their educational programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Counseling
  • Psychological Services
  • Transportation
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Orientation & Mobility Services

Special Education Programs

The following descriptions explain the programmatic services in BISD which may be considered for students with disabilities:

  • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
    Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) provides special education and related services for eligible children with disabilities ages 3-5.  Eligible children may receive ECSE services in a variety of settings such as pre-kindergarten and self-contained classrooms.   If you suspect that your child has a disability, please call the Department of Special Services at (979) 730-7047 to schedule a screening.
  • LIfe Skills Services
    Students in LIfe Skills setting receive modified academic instruction in a structured, consistent, small group setting, accessing the TEKS through pre-requisite skills. The Life Skills curriculum encompasses functional and academic skills for communication, social, vocational and independent living skills to support post-secondary school goals.
  • Behavior Education Support Team (BEST) Services
    The BEST Program provides a continuum of services for students in special education who require a separate classroom to benefit from their educational plan. BEST classroom provide structured learning environments that focus on behavioral, academic, social, and adaptive needs of the student.

18+ Services

BISD offers 18+ services in three program models to meet student’s individualized post-secondary needs:

  • Altered Care & Training (ACT) Program is a campus based model to support students with significant support needs to transition to agency based adult living supports. 
  • Transition Center Program focuses on instruction completely in the community as directed by the student’s adult schedule, postsecondary goals,vocational training, sustainability, and transition based IEP goals.
  • Project Search Program focuses on one year of instruction completely in a vocational internship setting as directed by the student’s postsecondary goals, sustainability, and transition based IEP goals.

Dyslexia Services

As part of our commitment to supporting students with dyslexia and related disorders, our district provides the following information to parents as required by the state of Texas under §74.28 (f). Dyslexia and related disorders are characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and poor spelling and decoding abilities. The evaluation and identification process involves a comprehensive assessment to determine if a student has dyslexia or a related disorder.  This full individual evaluation under IDEA includes academic performance and other relevant data to support the ARD committee recommendations. Effective instructional strategies for teaching students with dyslexia include explicit, systematic, and multisensory approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. Each campus has qualified personnel, known as Providers of Dyslexia Instruction (PDIs), who are trained in the district adopted evidence based dyslexia instructional program. Their contact information is available upon request at each campus. Students with dyslexia may receive instructional accommodations and modifications to support their learning. Additionally, parents can learn about the steps in the special education process, which include detailed guidance on their rights and the district's obligations. through the Texas Education Agency (TEA). https://tea.texas.gov/academics/special-student-populations/special-education/overview-of-special-education-for-parents.pdf
To further assist parents, a copy and electronic version of the Dyslexia Handbook are available upon request and can be found on the district or TEA website.  More information regarding Brazosport ISD Dyslexia operating procedures can be found on the district website under Programs and Special Services.

Brazosport ISD provides a continuum of supports for students with dyslexia including direct instruction, accommodations, and technology supports.  Should you suspect a concern with your child regarding dyslexia,  first and foremost, discuss your concerns with your child’s classroom teacher. He or she may be able to reassure you that your child is making appropriate progress. If you continue to be concerned about your child’s progress, contact your child’s Principal expressing your concerns. All referrals for dyslexia are processed through the campus and if your child is suspected for the disability of dyslexia, your child will be referred for a full individual initial evaluation under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). If your child is currently eligible for Special Education, please contact the ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal) committee with your concerns.

The Dyslexia Handbook
Manual Sobre Dislexia (The Dyslexia Handbook - Spanish)
Talking Book Program Application
Talking Book Program Application - Spanish
Neuhaus Education Center for Dyslexia
Dyslexia Fact Sheet for Families
Dyslexia Fact Sheet for Families - Spanish

Special Services Staff

Brenda Sutter
Special Services Coordinator of Identification & Compliance Services

Tiffany Hughes
Area Coordinator

Keyra Francis
Area Coordinator

Mamta Verma
Elementary Special Services Instructional Facilitator

Melisa Jackson
Secondary Special Services Instructional Facilitator

Stephanie Cressman
Lead Coordinator of Special Services

Juli Miller
Lead Diagnostician

Katrina Purkey
Lead Licensed Specialist in School Psychology

Kristen Thomson
Lead Speech Language Pathologist

Joana Padilla Zapata
Special Education Mental Health Social Worker

Lori Chumchal
Special Programs Data Validation Coordinator

Gearia Richard
SHARS/Medicaid Specialist

Addie Woodard
Area Behavior Specialist

Rochelle Nelson
Area Behavior Specialist

Darla Autrey
Resource Specialist (SERS) Clerk
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