88th Legislative Session

BISD Board Adopts Legislative Priorities for 88th Legislative Session
Brazosport ISD strives to be a helpful resource for elected officials as they consider changes that impact public education. The BISD Board of Trustees approved the following list of priorities for the Texas Legislature’s consideration.

Education Funding

  • Brazosport ISD supports an increase to the basic allotment and the creation of an automatic annual adjustment to the basic allotment to address inflation and the growing needs of our students.
  • Brazosport ISD supports funding formulas based on enrollment vs the average daily attendance.
  • Brazosport ISD supports revisions to the Special Education funding formula to focus on student needs rather than the amount of time spent in a particular classroom setting, by funding programs based on services provided in order to ensure provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
  • Brazosport ISD supports additional and ongoing state funding for school safety initiatives, with flexibility in how districts utilize these funds to meet the needs of local schools and communities.

Assessment & Accountability

  • Brazosport ISD supports the repeal of the A-F accountability system and the creation of an accountability system that incorporates fair measures of achievement based on state and local standards and to reduce testing to those required by federal law.

Teacher Workforce Retention & Development

  • Brazosport ISD supports teacher retention through increased compensation, benefit packages, adequate administrative support and sustainable work environments.
  • Brazosport ISD supports the creation of a funding allotment to apprenticeship programs that develop a pipeline of high-quality teachers to meet employer-driven workforce needs.

Privatization of Education

  • Brazosport ISD supports school choice and innovation within the Public School System.
  • Brazosport ISD opposes any form of taxpayer subsidies to private and charter schools, including vouchers, parent education savings accounts or other means to divert public dollars to private entities with zero accountability.

Economic Incentive Program

  • Brazosport ISD supports the extension of the expired provisions of Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code to promote economic development in Texas.

Teacher Retirement System

  • Brazosport ISD supports legislation that increases the states contribution into TRS and for TRS to provide a meaningful cost of living adjustment (COLA) for TRS Retirees.

These adopted legislative priorities will serve as a guide to help facilitate conversations with lawmakers and raise greater public awareness about issues that affect our stakeholders.

Brazosport ISD Legislative Advocacy Priorities
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